Praying for Hindus
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people…
1 timothy 2:1
The heart behind this time of prayer is one of blessing. We believe that God wants to bless Hindu peoples everywhere and that the greatest blessing of all is for a community to encounter the matchless love of Jesus and to receive His free gift of eternal grace. While you are praying, we hope that you see and pursue the themes of mercy, overwhelming grace, genuine love and clear truth in the pages of this guide.
We also encourage you to take Paul’s words to Timothy to heart when he said, “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people…” 1 Timothy 2:1
Thanksgiving in particular is a powerful tool when interceding for the different peoples of the world. We encourage you to practice thanking God for Hindu peoples around the world.
Hindus are the second-largest, least-reached religious group in the world. History has proven many times that prayer proceeds the spread of the good news of Jesus. Of all the cross-cultural ministers that the global church sends out, less than 2 percent are focused on sharing the gospel with Hindu peoples. As a result, Hindus still live without any meaningful access to the message of Christ. Please pray for Hindus to be blessed, to be fruitful and for each and every Hindu to be given the chance to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please also take some time to look up the scriptures and to allow the Holy Spirit to direct your prayers, and to share with you His heart for the Hindu world.
Thank you for praying with us this year.
To receive a prayer guide please contact the Val here.