What is baptism?
Baptism is an outward expression of an inward change. It’s how you tell others about how Jesus changed your life. Being baptised shows others that you’ve decided to follow Jesus, and allows them to celebrate and contemplate this decision (Acts 16:31-34).
Why is it important?
If nothing else, we are to be baptised simply because Christ commanded (Matt.28:19), so obedience to Christ’s command and we see that this is the Biblical pattern of what the early church practiced. Paul said through baptism we are united with Christ and finally it unites us to all Christians.
Who can be baptised?
Baptism is intended only for those who have made a confession of faith in
Jesus Christ and can also give a basic testimony to the elementary aspects of the Christian faith. If you are unsure, please contact one of our pastors.
How can I be baptised?
If you are interested in being baptised at ICF, we are glad to help you on this journey! Please contact us ( to get more information about our next baptism course. This one-week class goes over in greater detail what baptism means to us, and what type of commitment you are making.