Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry

Saturday 31st of August 2024
9:00 – 12:00
ICF Cafeteria

This will be a bring & share brunch. Please bring your favorite brunch dish to share.

Please register here !

Women’s Bible Studies

We invite women of all ages and backgrounds to be a part of one of the weekly Bible Study groups at ICF. It is a time of warm fellowship that encourages women to get to know Jesus better as we study His Word, the Bible, and pray together.

Thursday Mornings
9:00 – 11:30
ICF Cafeteria
Childcare is available
We start with snacks from 9:00 – 9:30

Thursday Evenings
19:00 – 21:30
ICF Family room
We start with a light meal from 19:00 -19:30

Please contact Sally for more information

Moms & Tots

Tuesdays from 9:30 – 11:30

We invite all moms and their babies and toddlers to join us!

We provide breakfast and our time together includes a short Biblical encouragement for the moms and a Bible story and singing for the children. There are lots of age-appropriate toys and plenty of space for the toddlers to enjoy.

If you have any questions please contact Sally or Naomi at womensministry@icf-frankfurt.com

Women’s events

Please sign up for the ICF eNews to stay informed about our women’s events.