Women’s Ministry
Women’s Bible Studies

We invite women of all ages and backgrounds to be a part of one of the weekly Bible Study groups at ICF. It is a time of warm fellowship that encourages women to get to know Jesus better as we study His Word, the Bible, and pray together.
Thursday Mornings
9:00 – 11:30
ICF Cafeteria
Childcare is available
Thursday Evenings
19:00 – 21:30
ICF Family room
We start with a light meal from 19:00 -19:30
Please contact Sally for more information
Moms & Tots

Tuesdays from 9:30 – 11:30
We invite all moms and their babies and toddlers to join us!
We provide breakfast and our time together includes a short Biblical encouragement for the moms and a Bible story and singing for the children. There are lots of age-appropriate toys and plenty of space for the toddlers to enjoy.
If you have any questions please contact Sally or Naomi here.
Women’s events
Please sign up for the ICF eNews to stay informed about our women’s events.