On 27 November the Sunday service at ICF will be focusing on Missions. The ICF Missions Team will be sharing about the different workers and projects YOU have been supporting this past year. In addition, guests from the organisation DMG Interpersonal e.V.– a well known German mission’s group — will provide speakers to share in the service about how mission’s work is reaching the world.
Additionally, other DMG – workers will be speaking to the children in our Sunday School classes, and will be providing information to our youth group and young adults about opportunities that currently exist world-wide for them, should they be interested in going into short- or long-term mission’s work themselves.
You will come away from this Sunday knowing more about what missionaries are doing around the world, the part ICF plays in reaching unreached people with the Gospel, and perhaps become excited to personally get involved in some way with missions.
The ICF Mission’s Team is happy to host this Sunday, and would appreciate contribution from YOU with FINGER FOOD (nothing that requires cutlery). We will be happy to answer any questions you have about missions! Please plan to join us!
For more information, please contact the office.