3 days of prayer and fasting at lent
  • International Christian Fellowship
    Hohemarkstrasse 75
    61440 Oberursel Germany

  • ICF

3 days of prayer and fasting at lent

Can the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them? As long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast. The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast in that day.“ 

Mark 2:19-20

You are invited!

Do you hunger to see God’s kingdom come here on Earth? Do you long to see revival in the church? Do you feel grieved when you see your sin and the brokenness of the world around us?

As a church we will start the season of Lent with three days of prayer and fasting.

Let‘s cry out to our God together, the King of Kings, strong and powerful, mighty to save! We will focus on praying for renewal and revival in our church, in Oberursel and in our communities. 

24-hour prayer at ICF:

Please sign up here for hourly slots.
We would love to have 58 hours of unbroken prayer! A maximum of three people will be able to sign up for each hour.

Resources for individuals and families:

Even when we’re not together physically, we want to still be praying together as a community. There will be a 3-day prayer guide for individuals and families, with different contributors from ICF. We will have physical copies of this to pick up at church on Sundays. If you‘d like to get this prayer guide by email, contact Naomi here.

Night of worship at ICF:

Finally, we will gather at ICF for an evening of worshipping the Lord together! Friday 4 March from 19:30 – 21:30 in the cafeteria.

How to fast

How you fast is up to you. If you‘re new to fasting, you might like to fast one meal each day, or to fast two meals and eat an evening meal. Or you might want to try going the three days without food – or something else.

Here is a guide to fasting for beginners.

Let us fast from what we can taste and see, because we are hungry to taste and see more of the only One who can truly satisfy, until He comes again!